• Learning & Support

Ready to upskill or take the challenge of doing it yourself? Then you have come to the right place! Our Workshops are designed with small businesses in mind so you can grow as your business grows.

As all businesses do, you start out with an idea, a drive and a passion to make it work but along the way you realise there are gaps. When gaps are identified many businesses ignore them and their business suffers as a result. When a small business identifies what is needed they have the option of employing someone, which  isn’t always possible….or taking ownership and learning ‘how’ to do it for themselves.

Learning and having control of your business is a powerful feeling, having control of your business and understanding how your new skills will help drive and grow your business is a comforting feeling.

Our workshops get you on your way to controlling every element of your business. Delivered both online and in person, they are intended to have you applying your learning as we go. If a more hands on approach is preferred our Mentoring services are available for businesses looking for more support.

As a registered business with the Regional Business Partnership Network (Funding) in New Zealand, some of our services are eligible for funding.




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Talk with us

Driving Tourism Growth

Do you need to achieve more with your business but don’t have the hours to invest? At Directional Tourism, we identify the gaps and the problem areas in growing your business.

Get in contact and see how we can support you on your business journey.

30 Minute Free Tourism Consultation
